





Academic supporter



Bioconductor is a non-profit organization that supports one of the most widely used data analysis tools in genomics. Bioconductor had 1,069,044 downloads (distinct IPs) in 2022. Software packages are contributed by more than 1,200 community developers worldwide, totaling over half a million downloads per year.

The conference is unique in that in addition to talks and poster session, the meeting features workshops which provide hands-on learning in Bioconductor. All conference materials (videos, slides, talks, posters, workshops) are published online such that the conference provides a rich resource for learning Bioconductor.

Interested in sponsoring EuroBioC2024?

Please contact eurobioc@bioconductor.org

Your sponsorship will help increase diversity and representation at the European Bioconductor Conference 2024 by:

  • Reducing registration costs for academic participants, trainees and especially students from countries outside CA, EEA, UK or US.
  • Funding travel scholarships for students, trainees and postdoctoral fellows from countries outside CA, EEA, UK or US.
  • Offering student diversity scholarships to increase participation of students and trainees with migration background.
  • Providing caregiver awards to assist with childcare or eldercare costs.
  • Provide high quality live streaming of the talks and post-production and sharing of videos and conference materials.

Three levels of sponsorship are available. Sponsors of all levels may present a poster highlighting the scientific interests of their organization in the poster sessions.

Platinum: 7,000 GBP

  • Poster session will be named after these donors.
  • Highest recognition, using your logo, on the website, and on printed promotional and scheduling material.
  • Up to 3 free registrations and participation in the conference evening event.
  • Thank you posts on our social media platforms including your preferred account handle.

Gold: 3,500 GBP

  • Top recognition, using your logo, in the online and print conference promotional and scheduling material.
  • Up to 2 free registrations.
  • Thank you posts on our social media platforms including your preferred account handle.

Silver: 1,500 GBP

  • Sponsor names will be listed in the online and print promotional and scheduling material.
  • Academic discount on 2 registrations.
  • Thank you posts on our social media platforms including your preferred account handle.

Approximate conference demographics

  • 100 participants from the European and global bioinformatics community.

  • Academic (50%), corporate (e.g., pharmaceutical; 30%); not-for-profit (e.g., Cancer Center; 15%), and government (5%) participants.

  • Lab / group leaders (10%), postdoctoral researchers (40%), bioinformatics core staff (20%), and graduate students (30%).

  • PhD (60%), MS (20%), and other degrees.

  • Thought leaders contributing to leading-edge methodological development, hands-on practitioners incorporating R / Bioconductor into robust work flows, and researchers developing bespoke solutions.